Guest Letter - Compass

Dear Minister Eggen,

I would like to add my voice to those who support parental choice in education.

I ask you to ponder this quote from St. Pope John Paul II, “To educate without a value system based on truth is to abandon young people to moral confusion, personal insecurity, and easy manipulation.”

Those who choose a Catholic or Christian education, whether in a public setting or at home, actively choose a ‘system based on truth’.

Consider that this system based on truth is something like a compass. When my child becomes an adult, I will have equipped them with this valuable tool to navigate the wilderness of the real world.

When children are released into the world with moral systems as fluid as their own interests and desires, we are leaving them increasingly susceptible to the pitfalls stated above: moral confusion, personal insecurity, and easy manipulation.

If you wonder at how Christianity can be a ‘system based on truth’ I invite you to read the gospels and learn about Jesus Christ. Another fantastic public role model, with numerous writings in which to study, would be my inspiration for this letter to you, St. Pope John Paul II. 

Please preserve our right to parent in the way that we feel is correct. A top obligation as a parent is choosing a method of education. I believe it is my God-given responsibility to equip them with a compass and it is my right as a citizen of this free country to make that choice.

Respectfully yours,
Shayna Pritchard
