More on Dignity

Dear Mr Eggen,
     How are you doing?  I got a little behind in my goal of writing you every week, but such is life with a new baby.  All my kids are doing well in this new school year.  Our preferred method of learning right now is home education and we even have a new co op for classical education.  It's a big hit so far.  I am thankful that homeschooling is such a viable option in Alberta and that you have been allowing us the expected freedom to choose what we teach our kids.
      Here is my thoughtful quote of the week pertaining to education:
    "Every person is a precious mystery. An individual cannot be weighed by public opinion; he cannot be measured by his conditioning; he belongs to no one but himself, and no creature in all the world can penetrate his mystery except the God who made him. The dignity of every person is beyond our reckoning." (Fulton Sheen)
    I think it is so beautiful to see the way that we can understand human dignity when we look through the lens of Christianity.  There is a real richness in the principle of human life being sacred.
    God bless you,
Catherine van Kampen
