Dear Minister Eggen,
As I enjoy the summer holidays with my children I was thinking about our education system and feeling very thankful that I have options for their education. Alberta enjoys a strong history of academic choice, here in Red Deer, we can choose from Public, Catholic, Christian, Private and Home Education.
We have seen a real surge in the population of our Catholic schools with a huge new high school opening just this past year. Occasionally, I hear talk of our government wanting to "streamline" the educational system by merging the Catholic and Public systems. All the public money could then be used by that one system. As you are fond of saying "Diversity is our Strength" and yet, here you are attempting to do the opposite. Part of our success in educating our children is that we do have options; just as each child is unique so each of these systems have unique qualities. Obviously, the people of Red Deer believe their children do well in the Catholic Schools as evidenced by the growth we see. I trust that truly you will protect all the growing vibrant schools that provide for our children and as our elected official, I thank you for the service you have and will provide.
Loretta Cote
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