Dear Mr Eggen,
It is somewhat discouraging to know that the initial hearing for the court challenge to Bill 24 received an unfavorable result. I know, from your postings on Facebook, that you are very pleased with the outcome of the court hearing on June 20th. However, those of us who don't see it the exact same way as you do, may be a bit discouraged. However, we will keep moving towards our initial goal.
You know, I just don't feel the need to describe this issue in dramatic language. I don't think you are a bad guy, & I don't think I am the good guy. I think, we all want the same thing. If we are on different sides of the debate, how can this be?
Well, it's a simple matter of understanding differently. The way you understand the issue, leads you to believe that strong government intervention is necessary to help students who may be at risk. The way I understand the situation, I see that clear student-parent communication needs to be maintained in order to benefit students the most. Healthy relationships within families need to be fostered and government involvement here should be very, very minimal.
So, for now, you have your way. But hopefully bill 24 will be overturned in favour of family cohesion. Albertans who see it this way aren't going to give up easily.
Catherine van Kampen
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