Dear Mr Eggen, June 7th, 2018
Last week I used a quote from "Les Miserables" that likened our bodies to a cage and our souls to the bird found within.
Here are some ideas from St John Paul II. There is a depth here that is plumbed nicely by author Scott Deely in his article. (http://www.faith.org.uk/article/may-june-2005-john-paul-ii-and-the-theology-of-the-body) He elaborates on JP II's quotes:
It is “the body, in fact… [that] is capable of making visible what is
invisible: the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the
visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial
in God, and thus to be a sign of it.”[6] The human body, male and
female, has the mystery of salvation written into it.
people are unfamiliar, and even uncomfortable, with a marked emphasis
on the body. For John Paul this is a false dichotomy.
believes that humanity’s greatest crimes are, at base, a rejection of
God’s revelation of the love that He has inscribed on our bodies. The
body is “the fundamental element of human existence,”[8] and as such is
“the deepest substratum of human ethics and culture."
I am thankful to Mr Deely and especially, John Paul II. If we can have a clear understanding of the dignity and sacredness of the human body then we can understand sexuality and why morality should inform sexual behaviour.
I encourage you, Mr Eggen, to keep an open mind on these issues. Dr Kristopher Wells doesn't know all there is to know on how to teach kids about sexuality and their bodies. If you consult with him, surely you could be open minded enough to see what the other side has to say. St John Paul II might be just about as far away on the spectrum of sexual ethics from Dr Wells as anyone can be. Please don't be narrow minded, Mr Eggen.
Catherine van Kampen

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