Missing the Point

Dear Mr Eggen,
  I heard that you showed up briefly at the UCP AGM in Red Deer on Sunday.  Apparently, you were disturbed that a certain policy resolution had just passed with 57% support.  About 57% of the UCP members think that parents should be able to find out, if they want to, whether or not their own child attends meetings of the Gay-Straight Alliance club.  (Incidentally, does the NDP know, percentage-wise, what its members think about this issue?)  These same 57% of parents are obviously showing an interest in what kind of ideas their children are exposed to in the sensitive realm of human sexuality.
      From your comments to the media, you are mixed up.  You think that this statistic means danger and insecurity for youth in Alberta.  Please,  please, please show us hard evidence that indicts Alberta's parents.  This is where we sigh.  You see, you just can't do it.  You continually try to reframe this issue as an attack on gay kids.  It just isn't.   It is you and your party continually pushing a lie.  The lie goes something like this:  "Parents are liable to put their kids in danger. They cannot be trusted to know how to react to their children.  The state, in the form of the ministry of Education must, therefore,  protect children from their parents."
    Mr Eggen,  I want to be gracious towards you.  You are a man of high principles and your esteem for compassion and vulnerable children is laudable.  However,  your deliberate attempt to confuse a clear issue continues to go too far. Stop it.  The way to impress people is by clear analysis of an issue and not through emotional appeals to fear and worry.

Catherine van Kampen
