Who do the children belong to?

Dear Mr Eggen,                                                                                April 12th, 2018
    I am very excited about the court challenge that the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is heading up in response to the lack of logic that is Bill 24.   As anyone can see, if the parents of Alberta's students aren't proven guilty, then why does this Bill assume they mean harm to their own children?  The Bill cuts off parents from a key area of development and morality in the lives of their own offspring.  I don't understand where the incredible confidence in the incompetence of Albertan parents has come from.  Can you please explain this?
   Let's consider a quote here: “The child is not your child. [Children] are property of the state, like our oil, like our gas, like our pipelines.”   Now, if you asked me who might have said this provocative nonsense I would have guessed Lenin or Marx, except that it sounds too modern.  But it was actually a professor from the University of Calgary named Alex Proudfoot who said this years ago.  Do you think he is right, Mr Eggen?  To whom do children belong?  Who gets to decide how to guide them in matters of sexuality?
   And please realize, Mr Eggen, that though John Carpay might like Jason Kenney's policies better than yours, this court challenge is coming from *parents* first and foremost.  Don't try to make it be an attack from another political party.  Parents love their kids.  Parents want what is naturally theirs - the ability to help their children along through the turbulent waters of adolescence.
    Thank you for your consideration and God bless you!

Catherine van Kampen 
